Friday 7 March 2008

War of the worlds martian

Hello everybody!

Yesterday it was world book day, and at my school we all got read the book 'war of the worlds'. It was interesting, and clever and I recommend it for a quick read. Now, my school is hosting a competition where you have to draw one of the martians according to the descriptions. As I love to be different, I asked if we could make models, and the answer was yes, so here is a quick post to show how I made my plasticine martian.

Here is the armature, I made this quickly out of alluminium wire.

Then I put Epoxy putty on it, to secure it. That's great stuff!!

Now I made the big eye. I didn't follow the discriptions for this, there were meant to be two, but I like to be imaganative!! I started off with this half ping pong ball type thing from an old magic set.

I painted it and covered it in glue, to give it a shiny eye-y feel.
Now, I covered it in dark brown plasticine. It's cheap to buy and easy to use!!
Plasticine covering the tenticles...
...And on the head. I used alot of plasticine to meke the head.
Next I cut out a circle where the eye was to be, pushed in the eyeball, and made plasticine eyelids.
I then stuck the eyelids on, and smoothed them in.
Now all that was left is a mouth, so I added it on, and here's my finished model!!


1 comment:

Ben Stables said...

I sure hope you win if you diddnt there must be something wrong, Or of course some Award Winning Artists...

Well you never Know!