Tuesday 18 September 2007

Sorry it's taking so long!

Hi everybody, I now have made my brass and aliminum armature, but one or two bits need re-gluing and I ran out of glue-gun glue sticks. I bought some new ones off the internet on Sunday, so hopefully they will come tomorrow. While I'm on the subject, I would just like to point out how much I love the glue-gun. Loads of animators like Marc Spess, you will notice, use Epoxy as the glue they use, to be honest, I tried it out the other day and I HATED the stuff!! All you have to do with the glue gun, is plug it in, wait for it to heat up for a few minuets, press the trigger when the nozzle is in the right place, trying to make sure your hands aren't too close (I've burnt myself on it soooooo many times!!), wait three or so seconds, and wallah, fini!!

Notice my new e-mail subscription thing--> over here and up abit^
which when you subscribe to, you will receive
an e-mail every time I post here, with more
stuff about what is in the post then it says here
on the blog!


Ben Stables said...

Good for you, Im gald you have found the best glue, but its expensive!

How is your Short Coming along?

Fish said...

Oh no, glue gun stuff can be really cheep for such a good glue, I got one of the mini ones you see!
I can't remember if I told you, but now other things are going on, and I stopped doing the medival animation I was going to do, because it all just seemed too much. But I am currently working on much smaller things!


Ben Stables said...

Ok then, No Comment! LOL

You havent been to my blog for aages, It has been changed, Something I have been wishing to do for some time after changing my template!

...and did you get the Postcard E-card I sent you for Halloween?


Fish said...

Yes I did! And by the way I have been going on your blog every day!