Sunday, 29 November 2009

Colour test and exhibition

Wheh, I havn't posted for ages, sorry about that. Havn't really done much since I last posted, but today I decided to try out some colours, see how they will work. Just filled in the parts on a photoshop like program. It turned out pretty good, and was easy once I got going.
Also, my art class put up an exhibition this week, and some of my work went in to it. Here is my favourite thing i did, its a bust made out of plaster. The picture is awful, hopefully I will take a better one when the exhibition's over.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Alright, i'm not even going to bother trying to explain whats been going on in my head in this past week. Basically, I've come to the conclusion - stop motion is not my thing. I've been having far too many problems with it.
I got really interested in classic animation rescently, and have therefore switched to that. Please no one try to convince me back to stop mo, or ask me why the change - I'm just happy with it for now.
Infact I'm very happy. I tried a little test of ole' Münchhausen, and am very pleased with it. I like the flickery look of it. This will probably be the way I make the film now, and am glad :)

(obviously this hasn't been rendered)

(he is sitting in his sleigh)

You know that feeling when something actually works :D

I'm still working out some more things like colouring, but I'm pretty sure I'll do that on the computer.
